Pilatus PC-9 Panel v1.0
by Ben Johnson 29APR03

This 1024x768 panel is well suited to the FS2002 Pilatus PC-9 aircraft by Martin Strong.
Included in this release are two panels, an IFR and VFR panel which can be easily toggled in flight.
The PC-9 is a two-seat Swiss-designed turboprop trainer and is used by many countries.


1. Extract the file "bj_pc9.zip" to a folder of your choice.

eg. c:\temp

2. Copy the "panel" folder contents to your chosen FS2002 Aircraft panel folder. Overwrite existing files if
you wish to replace the original aircraft panel with mine.

eg. c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\aircraft\Pilatus PC9\panel\panel.cfg
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\aircraft\Pilatus PC9\panel\pc9_photo_background_1024.bmp
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\aircraft\Pilatus PC9\panel\pc9_photo_background_lower_1024.bmp

3. Copy the "gauges" folder contents into the FS2002 Gauges folder

eg. c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\GAUGES\ct4-rmi.gau

Ensure the file "ct4-rmi.gau" in the gauges folder actually gets copied to your FS2002 gauges folder,
or you won't see the RMI


I have not been able to include photorealistic instruments at this stage however
they may be included in a later release.

I would like to design working engine instruments and ESDP in a later release.

I highly recommend the FS2002 Pilatus PC-9 aircraft designed by Martin Strong. The file
"sh_pc9.zip" (Size: 5,063,241) is available at http://www.SurClaro


Toggle between IFR/VFR panel by pressing the radio button/icon.

The twin RMI needle points to an ADF/NDB source and the single needle points to TACAN/VOR.

Contact Information

Contact me:


Copyright and Distribution

This aircraft is released as Freeware. Copyright (C) Ben Johnson.

As freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject
to the following conditions:

- The archive must be distributed without modification to the
contents of the archive. Redistributing this archive with any files
added, removed or modified is prohibited.

- The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another
archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited.
This means, for example, that you may not upload an archive that uses
my panel or gauges with your own aircraft or include it in a
package containing a panel or aircraft without first obtaining
the authors' permission.

- No charge may be made for this archive other than that to cover the
cost of its distribution. If a fee is charged it must be made clear
to the purchaser that the archive is freeware and that the fee is to
cover the distributor's costs of providing the archive.

- The authors' rights and wishes concerning this archive must be